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Facts about plastic

Today, plastic have been reduced in many part of the country. With our today technology plastic industry managed to introduce go green plastic with degradable material that allow plastic to disolve under the sun for few months. One thing we need to know, it is not the plastic we should be blame on or the user but the education of people to throw plastic not in the proper place.

Plastic material can not be replace in other way with our today society, from food container to stool or even to our transpotation. Plastic is not the one need to be responsible in 100% to argued about . As manufacture, we believe that our plastic bag always be recycle and reused. People seem do not understand, we dont make the toxication material that it may some other manufacture still do with their plastic bag. When you think about our coffee cup, as we all believe its 100% of paper bag, will the paper hold a liquid inside? Start looking at your paper cup and see what hold your coffee or tea, perhaps feel the inner.Believe it or not that a bit hard to recycle between layer of plastic and paper. The only thing they do to get rid of just burn it which made more damage to our environment.

That is just our personal opinion, but we believe we can all work together and make our world a better place to broading our knowledges and understanding. Not all the thing we see is always true not until you understand and learn it. Thats all from us and we will leave you with some biodegradable facts. (note: it will be in indonesian) Menara Plastik.

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