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What is Mulch or Mulsa?

What exactly is mulch? Mulch is simply any material used to cover the soil or plants.

Why using mulch plastic? Many mulches are aesthetically pleasing and can help showcase your plants. A good layer of mulch will help to conserve moisture and suppresses weed germination. Organic mulches can add nutrients and humus to the soil. Mulch can help stabilise soil, preventing erosion. You can minimize the spread of soil-borne diseases by mulching, which prevents splashing of soil up onto plant foliage.

Is there any time I shouldn't use mulch? There are times when mulch keeps the soil too wet. This can be a problem with plants that are sensitive to rain. Young seedling plants can be smothered by too much mulch. Some woody mulches, such as raw wood chips or sawdust, can draw nitrogen from the soil. You can compensate for this by using a water soluble fertilizer while the mulch is still fresh. And sometimes rodents are attracted to mulches, burrowing around looking for insects and tender plants to nibble on.

Apa sebenarnya Mulsa plastik itu? Mulsa adalah yang terbuat untuk menutup tanah dan tumbuhan.Kenapa memakai Mulsa? Kebayakan Mulsa memberi hasil yang terbaik karena Mulsa untuk stabilisasi tanah agar tidak terusakan dari insect.Adakah waktu tidak bisa menggunakan Mulsa? Ada saatnya ketika ada beberapa tanaman yang sensitif dari basah karena akan membawa insects -insects itu menggigit plastik mulsa tersebut.

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